Millstone Quarry
Early this spring, I received an assignment to shoot Barre, Vermont for Mountain Bike Magazine for a feature they were doing on "Blue Collar Towns" in their July issue. Since the issue has been on newstands for the better part of this month, I thought I'd share some of the other photos that didn't run. All photos were taken around the Millstone Quarry.

I'm out here in the Pacific Northwest to check out the summer ski camps that operate on the Blackcomb Glacier in Whistler for the summer months. It's a first visit to the area for me and I'll be out here for the next 14 days or so. I'm going to hopefully post everyday of the trip. Enjoy!
- Dan
Day 1 ~
Flying out of Boston early yesterday morning, with a connection in Atlanta, I got into Seattle by mid afternoon local time and took the Light Rail Train (which is a bitch to walk to thru the terminal with 250 lbs of gear) down to the K2 Sports offices to meet up with friend & Line Skis guru Josh Malczyk whose place I was crashing at for the evening. The K2 HQ, which houses the offices for all it's brands, is huge! I definitely enjoyed the peek behind the scenes.
iPhone Picture: Mt. Rainier from the plane.
iPhone Picture: Seattle's Starbucks Coffee HQ
After waiting for Josh to finish up some emails, we headed thru downtown to drop my gear off at his place and then grab dinner down on the water at local spot Ray's Boathouse since the weather was, as the locals put it, uncharacteristically sunny.
iPhone Picture:Josh's view of the city from his deck.
iPhone Picture: Ray's deck, looking out towards the Olympian Mtns.If you find yourself in Seattle on a sunny day, this spot is definitely one checking out for local seafood.
After a day of travel, the night was pretty mellow but got a chance to watch the moon set over the Olympians from Josh's deck and scope some distant fireworks over downtown Seattle.
The Moon over the Two Brothers in the Olympian Mtn. range
the Moon
the Tourist Shot: Seattle's Space Needle
Seattle, WA